Minor Changes that Help Save Money

Minor Changes that Help Save Money

We’re all looking for ways to save money. Luckily, you’ve come to the right place.

Saving money can be a daunting task, but there are ways to save just by taking a look at your regular expenses. Sometimes it can be as simple as a lifestyle change (easy, right?) or packaging your services together with the same company.

At any rate, here are a few ways you can save money this year and in years to come!

Think Health

Getting in shape or losing weight is easier said than done. But for those that are looking to save money, this could be one of the most important moves you make.

By getting healthy, you can save a lot of money on health insurance and life insurance. Plus, you’ll feel better and have more energy to be more productive.

Think Auto Insurance

To stick with the insurance theme, take a look at your auto insurance policy for savings opportunities.

To save, you could raise your deductible, which lowers your premiums. If you have an older vehicle, you could re-evaluate whether or not you need collision coverage (this covers damage to your vehicle when you hit someone or another car hits you). Also look into comparing auto insurance quotes each year to get different rates. Who knows… there could be a better deal out there.

Think Credit

Right up there with your insurance situation is your credit situation. Having a good credit score can save you a small fortune when it comes to credit cards, all different types of loans and auto insurance. Before you know it, you could save tens of thousands of dollars.

To improve your credit, you can pay down your credit card, eliminate small balances on credit cards, leave that old (good) debt on your credit report, watch the number of times you check your credit, paying bills on time, and avoid high-risk purchases.

Think Bundling

If you’re not doing this already, you should look into it. It’s not right for everyone, but if you can bundle your Internet service, cable and phone in one swoop, you’ll get a discount. My parents bundle, and they don’t even have a home phone anymore.

Heck, you’ll even be saving paper by combining all your bills in one place.

Think Cell Phone

Again, this isn’t appropriate for everyone. But, if you can imagine, there are people out there that don’t use their cell phones as an extension of their laptop/camera/record player/etc. Maybe you are one of them.

If you are, think about going to a prepaid cell phone. If all you do is send texts and receive/make phone calls, this plan is for you. There are no long-term contracts, you can pay by the minute, or any number of other options. You get the bare bones, but you can save a lot of money, especially if your family has the same frugal habits.

Think Shopping

With companies always looking to increase their web presence, you are sure to find great deals when you shop online. You’d be hard-pressed to find an online store that doesn’t have deals of some sort, whether they be codes, discounts or coupons.

Take for instance Jos. A. Bank. This past year they offered up to 80 percent off certain items, as well as other special daily discounts, to online customers. Their stores, however, didn’t have these types of deals.

Think Credit… Again

This circles back around to having good credit or good standing on your credit cards. There are a ton of cash-back credit cards that will pay for up to five percent on purchases. The key to these types of credit cards is, though, to not use it for things you don’t need or impulse spending. Pay your monthly bills and everyday expenses with this card and you’ll notice a substantial savings.

Ultimately, there are expenses that we just kind of blow off and take them as they are. But, it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way. The more you can make your money work for you, the better off you’ll be.

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