5 Ways To Start Extreme Couponing

5 Ways To Start Extreme Couponing

Extreme couponing might seem intimidating to the normal shopper, but if you are determined to save money it can be a rewarding hobby. Before I started couponing, I would see couponers on television and wonder how they could be so zealous about cutting coupons. “How can they leave the grocery store with money in their pockets?” I asked myself. So I decided to give it a try.

The savings are really as intoxicating as they say it is.

With a little work and practice, you can save as much money as the extreme couponers you see on TLC. I’ve put together some tips below for starting your own couponing venture. Think about it this way: if Honey Boo Boo’s mom can do it, so can you.

Subscribe to Your Local Newspaper

Since print journalism is a struggling industry, many newspapers have been offering deals on subscriptions. The Sunday edition of the newspaper is where you’ll find the bulk of your manufacturer’s coupons. These can be stored until you find a deal in your store’s circular ad. In most cases, having a newspaper subscription comes with other perks, as well.

Use Online Resources

Coupons.com is a great source for printing online coupons, but there’s a catch. You can only print a coupon once, or twice if you’re lucky. If you really want to start extreme couponing, try using other computers when you can: at your friends’ houses, at work, wherever you have access to a printer.

Take advantage of your favorite brands’ social media pages. They are almost always offering deals and giveaways. Company websites also offer great deals when you sign up to be a part of their e-mail list. My advice? Create an e-mail address solely dedicated to couponing and savings. You don’t want your personal e-mails mixed up with manufacturer e-mails-you can get up to 20 of those per day.

Become a “Member”

Pick your grocery store based on their coupon policy. Once you’ve selected your go-to store, become a member. Becoming a valued customer of your favorite grocery store will take your couponing to the next level. On top of your coupons, you’ll be able to receive additional savings. Sometimes, you can even earn gas money when you spend a certain amount on groceries.

Learn your respective store’s coupon policy, and know it like the back of your hand. Many stores have double coupon days, where a coupon will count twice. Some don’t value manufacturer’s coupons when they have in-store deals. It all depends on the store, and finding the one that will give you the most value is key.

Get Organized

Buy a binder, or a file cabinet, and keep all of your manufacturer’s coupons organized according to what type of product they’re good for. That way, when you pull out your weekly grocery store ads, you know exactly where to look to get a specific coupon.

Plan Ahead

Plan your trips meticulously. In most cases, you won’t be able to make a full grocery run. Instead, you’ll be focusing on 10-20 items that you have coupons for. Don’t buy anything without a coupon! Buy multiples of each product so that you won’t have to return to the store to re-up until there is another sale.

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